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All models of Volvo was made after 1995 are mor likely to require a unique program inorder to be able to reprogram – or recode a key. All new Volvo keys need it to be programmed specifically to that Volvo otherwise, it won’t work.

Volvo keys bought from second hand or unlicensed sellers won’t work in your car unless an expert technician has specifically programmed them. Volvo dealers can take up to 10 days to replace broken or lost car keys and can be highly expensive because of the technology used in current Volvo keys.

You might not always receive a spare car key when you purchase a Volvo, which can cause a lot of problems if you ever break or lose your key.

We highly recommended getting a spare key made for your Volvo and storing it somewhere safe in the case of an emergency

While there are still some Volvos on the road that have manual keys, most Volvos nowadays use fobs and electronic keys, which have a particular system installed in them to ensure that your car will only work with your key. Inside your car, you’ll find an immobiliser installed, which is attached to your engine. Also, in your key, there is a chip called a transponder. When you put your key in the ignition barrel the immobiliser will read the transponder chip, looking for a specific four-digit code. If the transponder chip in your key is not programmed with the specific four-digit code that your Volvo car will recognise then the immobiliser will shut off the engine before you can start the car. This is the reason why you shouldn’t buy Volvo keys second hand or from online retailers. Only an expert with the right equipment can programme your key to your car. You should only ever buy your replacement Volvo keys from official Volvo dealerships or from expert Volvo key technicians, like the ones at Car Keys Solutions.

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